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Everything You Didn't Know You Wanted to Know About Sandals: Flats, Platforms, and Heels When the summer sun is directly overhead, one of the best ways to beat the heat is to wear the classic summer shoe: the sandal! Sandals are open shoes that afford the feet some breathing room, and normally consist of a sole held to the foot by straps that pass over the instep and around the ankle. Sandals within themselves are historic because they are the oldest known forms of footwear, and can be traced back to the times of the ancient Greeks and the ancient Egyptians. In fact, the oldest known shoes that have been found to date are a pair of 10,000 year-old sandals that were found in Fort Rock Cave in Oregon. With the distinction of being the precursor to all of today's modern shoes, it's understandable how the sandal has diversified to encompass numerous new footwear trends, including flat sandals, platform sandals, and heel sandals Buy online Women Sandal Dominate the Sc...